Friday, 31 December 2010

Another month has slipped by and as planned last month we spent it very quietly. The increasingly dark days weren’t that conducive to much activity anyway. One highly anticipated milestone was reaching December 21 as it’s the shortest day of the year. We were very curious as to how much daylight we’d...
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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

People speak of short winter days and how winter evenings ‘close in’. Well, here in Tromsø, at 69 North, the evenings have ‘closed in’ permanently. The sun has disappeared below the horizon and we won’t see it again until late January. That doesn’t mean it’s totally dark all the time (yet!). Right...
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Sunday, 31 October 2010

When we planned our first cruising season, Tromso, Norway was the ultimate goal. There were a few (many) times when we wondered whether we’d actually make it. We toyed with the idea of spending the winter in the U.K., southern Norway, or even heading somewhere else that’s warmer. However, we persevered...
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Thursday, 30 September 2010

Our first month in Norway has been packed full of new experiences and adjustments.  In the August blog entry, I left off at our point of entry into Norway from the North Sea at the Marstein light, near Bergen. We picked up a mooring ball in an idyllic, perfect little anchorage. We liked it there...
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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

We arrived on Saturday, July 24 at Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, in Scotland's Outer Hebrides/Western Isles. Great to be back in Scotland This was our first port-of-call following our transAtlantic voyage. The Stornoway Gazette was soon to report that: 'July 2010 is expected to be amongst the wettest...
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