Saturday, 24 July 2010

June 3, 2010 - July 24, 2010 Savannah GA U.S.A -> Stornoway, Scotland U.K. 3,600 nautical miles 51 days As previously described, we departed Savannah in a bit of a rush at 1400. We had planned a shakedown cruise, but, only managed a day sail a couple of days before departure. We knew this wasn't...
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Saturday, 3 July 2010

We had a number of 'hard-stops' that we had to meet in order to make it to Europe this year. The most important hard-stop was the appropriate weather window for west->east Atlantic crossings. May/June seemed to be the consensus for the best time to leave. We'd hoped to be gone by mid-May on our return...
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Friday, 2 July 2010

In January 2010, we finished up in the U.K. and temporarily relocated to Savannah, so, we could start making the necessary changes and do the maintenance required for a boat to be capable of making a long, offshore voyage and support a liveaboard lifestyle. G had finished up work in the U.K. at the...
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Thursday, 1 July 2010

In January 2008, we purchased our boat, a Baba35, in Savannah GA. Many people have asked how we came to choose a Baba. It actually was a very easy decision.  From our research and reading we knew we wanted a blue-water capable boat, at least 35 feet for comfort, but, no longer than 35 feet (so...
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