Monday, 31 December 2012

Six months have passed by in a flash. Life seems rather mundane when we’re not out cruising and I hadn’t planned to keep to a monthly writing schedule as there didn’t seem to be that much interesting to say. Looking back, in summary though, we have had quite a bit going on over the last six months,...
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Saturday, 30 June 2012

I am writing this in January 2013, so, it’s somewhat old news, but, I thought maybe a few pictures of our travels might be interesting. As planned, we were still based in London in June and still trying to get out and about town on various walks. We did a nice Grand Union canal walk where sometimes...
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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Hello again. We left off writing last October after our arrival at St. Katharine’s Dock, London, unsure of how long we’d be staying here. We soon decided that, while the opportunity is available, it would be prudent to top up our ‘cruising kitty’. To that end, we now plan to stay in London for quite...
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