Saturday, 28 June 2014

Since I last wrote it's been a bit of an uphill struggle. We had two days with great wind, unfortunately coming from the NW, which is exactly where we're trying to go. Yesterday, all wind disappeared again. It was a welcome break after the stresses of beating to windward, but, after bobbing about overnight,...
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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

We've been at sea four days and are now about 400 miles off the Irish coast, just SW of Rockall. We haven't seen a ship, or, heard a voice on the VHF for two days now. Progress has been reasonable given that only yesterday had a decent sailing wind. After a couple of days sunning ourselves on deck,...
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Sunday, 22 June 2014

Hopefully you are able to read this. As we're now at sea, I'm posting to the blog using our Iridium satellite phone as a modem. Until we have internet access again, I am unable to see what I've posted, so, please excuse any format errors etc. Also, I am unable to post photos, so, will be posting short...
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Saturday, 14 June 2014

After the previous day's F7, we headed off for Ireland in light winds. After rounding the Lizard (Lizard Point, the most southerly part of the British mainland), Lizard Point the wind continued to decrease until we were left with <F3 and then absolutely no wind at all. I have never seen the sea...
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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

We spent nine days at Port Pendennis Marina, Falmouth. Provisioning a boat for a long voyage, from scratch, without a car, is a daunting task and we weren't looking forward to it. It's a lot of planning, list-making, hauling and the continuing worry of whether you have enough, or, have forgotten a...
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Sunday, 1 June 2014

We left Salcombe, heading for Plymouth, with another light wind forecast, but, at least it was going to be an East wind, what luck! We made such good progress west that we decided to skip Plymouth and head for Fowey instead. Plymouth is always an interesting destination because there are usually a...
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