Saturday, 30 May 2015

After ten months north of the Arctic Circle we are heading south for a few weeks prior to recomissioning Gjoa for this summer's completion of the North West Passage. This plane looks big, but, only the rear third was for people, the rest was for freight. Flying out of Cambridge Bay was flying like...
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Friday, 29 May 2015

Winter is definitely turning to spring now. These pictures of the melodious, elusive snow bunting prove it. Snow Buntings - first to arrive, last to leave (Photos: courtesy GP) Spring also means our time living aboard and looking after Tandberg Polar has come to an end.We spent Victoria Day Monday...
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Friday, 29 May 2015

There were a few photos that didn't quite fit anywhere else.... How not to snowmobile race. Don't try this at home! Note Tandberg Polar in the background, we had a prime view of the ice activities. BBQ on ice, the muskox burgers at only $7.50 were very nice. Fishing hole, lots of...
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Friday, 29 May 2015

Although there were quite a few different events during the Frolics, the one that dominated was the snowmobile racing. There was a solid week of different events. Everybody seemed to know when and where to congregate. One minute, the ice was empty, the next there were dozens of trucks and snowmobiles...
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Friday, 29 May 2015

This post is dedicated to the absolutely stunning handmade traditional clothing that a lot of the Inuit women still wear. It is beautiful. If somebody hasn't done a study and book on the topic already, it needs to be done now! A young Inuk should take this study on as a thesis. The type of coat shown...
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Friday, 29 May 2015

Thanks to our new friend Gord, I am really pleased to bring you some quality photographs of all the Frolics excitement from the past couple of weeks. The Omingmak (Inuit for muskox) Frolics, now in their fortieth year really are the big social event of the year in Cambridge Bay. They are held every...
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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Last Sunday we went out on the land to hunt for muskox (with a camera). Unfortunately, the only muskox we saw were the ones on the beautiful sign marking the entrance to Ovayok (Mount Pelly) Territorial Park, 16km east of Cambridge Bay. We were disappointed but had a beautiful day out nonetheless. The...
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