Saturday, 27 June 2015

On Day 11 of our road trip, it was somewhat of a relief to hear the dulcet tones of the lovely British voice (we haven't changed the voice since we last used it in Europe) on our SatNav announce "You have arrived at your destination". Yes! After more than 5,000 kilometres, four provinces and one territory...
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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Even though we'd given ourselves two weeks for our road trip from Toronto to Yellowknife, it still felt like too much driving and not enough sightseeing, but, we had to be in Yellowknife by a certain date and the miles had to get done. Another week would have been good. However, we did manage to sightsee...
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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Sailing often provides beautiful land and seascape views. However, in most places, there are jewels to be seen on land as well. We've driven across Canada before, many years ago, but due to life commitments we were forced to whiz by places that deserved more time. Also, we'd missed a few places in previous...
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Saturday, 20 June 2015

In the depths of the Arctic winter last January we were contemplating what summer 2015 would bring. Not being able to leave Cambridge Bay until around the first week of August and needing to be in Alaska the earlier in September the better, meant that our 2015 sailing season would be a very short five...
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Saturday, 20 June 2015

We arrived in Toronto and felt like we had crash-landed onto another planet. It wasn't just the usual sixteen lane juggernaut known as Highway 401 (four-oh-one), Canada's busiest highway, that must be negotiated to get in or out of the airport, we had inadvertently landed ourselves in the midst of an...
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