Friday, 23 October 2015

The drive from Dawson City, Yukon to Homer, Alaska was a treat. The northerly route we'd planned to take via Tok, Alaska was not possible as the Top-of-the-World Highway and its border crossing was closed for the season (on September 20 already). This meant we had to retrace our steps a bit and travel...
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Friday, 16 October 2015

Many years ago we were caught by 'The Spell of the Yukon'. It wasn't gold that drew us as in Robert Service's poem of the same name, but, the amazing history of that gold rush of 1898 and how it opened up Canada's North. From Robert Service's poem, the Spell of the Yukon, as seen on the side...
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Friday, 16 October 2015

We picked up the van in Yellowknife and as all the campgrounds were closed 'two weeks ago' we decided to 'boondock' (in sailing we'd call it 'gunkholing', in RV-speak it's called 'boondocking') for the first night. We drove out about twenty-five miles along the Ingraham Trail and found a quiet spot...
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Thursday, 15 October 2015

Now that Gjoa is safely ashore until probably next May when we relaunch, we won't be writing about sailing travel for a while. Although we won't be sailing, we hope to still do some interesting things over the winter and will continue to post on occasion. It's been just over two weeks since Gjoa's...
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Thursday, 8 October 2015

While waiting for a big enough tide to lift Gjoa we were blessed with an entire week of fabulous fall weather in Homer, Alaska. Day after day of sunshine, clear skies and warm temperatures. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, on Friday, liftout day, the skies were cloudy and the rain soon started....
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