Friday, 26 August 2016

In a previous post, I mentioned how enamoured we were with our recent visit to Kaslo BC, a small town of about 1,000 people. Remarkably, it's home to two National Historic Sites, one of which is the SS Moyie, the last Canadian Pacific Railway sternwheeler to travel on Kootenay Lake. Today, the Moyie...
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Saturday, 20 August 2016

Back on the road into the interior it was hard not to notice the electric blue of the cornflowers, the dusky, hot, sweet smell of the roadside ditches and some slight discolouration of tree leaves which hinted that both the end of summer and the end of our road trip would soon be upon us. We still had...
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Saturday, 13 August 2016

After the glorious weather we've had all summer, it was a bit of an adjustment going back to coastal weather again. We lost the sunshine just before arriving in Prince Rupert and we didn't see it again until a week later when we left the Bella Coola valley to head back into the interior of BC. There...
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Saturday, 6 August 2016

We had a ferry appointment in Prince Rupert for July 22, so, sadly bid a quick farewell to Yukon and started to make our way south again. Although we'd driven the Cassiar Highway before, there were two intriguing end-of-road side trips that we wanted to do. Are we ever glad we didn't miss the long trek...
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