Friday, 28 October 2016

After leaving Hawaii, we had another five sea days before reaching our next destination, American Samoa. Passage weather conditions were again excellent and the sea days passed effortlessly in a whirl of meals, more meals and various other activities between meals. We arrived in the early morning...
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Saturday, 22 October 2016

During the five days we spent at sea between San Diego and Honolulu the wind blew consistently, never went over a force seven and didn’t go forward of the beam, ideal passage weather for a sailboat. On this big cruise ship, it’s hard sometimes to get a sense of the wind and waves, we just seem to glide...
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Monday, 17 October 2016

After our brief stay in San Diego we departed in late afternoon bound for Hawaii. We were looking forward to the five days at sea. It’s interesting to compare the big boat experience of an ocean crossing to the small one. First, we can’t believe the speed and smooth ride of the large ship. We are averaging...
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Thursday, 13 October 2016

We had the ‘good’ fortune to be leaving Vancouver on the same day that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were arriving, by floatplane, into Vancouver Harbour, a short distance along the shore from where we were boarding the MS Noordam. As well, there were two other cruise ships side-by-side in the...
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