Sunday, 31 December 2017

The end of another year is upon us and I'm planning to start a new annual, end of year tradition with this post. Last year (2016), I published a post entitled Signs-Part I with photos of signs that we came across in our travels that had either made us laugh, think, or, just generally intrigued...
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Thursday, 21 December 2017

While waiting to move into our furnished rental in Bristol, we decided to head to the seaside for a few days as we'd been missing the sea already. Just an hour or so from Bristol is Weston-Super-Mare, a traditional seaside town. We went not knowing what to expect, probably a faded, down-at-the-heels...
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Saturday, 16 December 2017

We'd been discussing returning to the UK for a while and had already decided on Bristol as probably the best place for us. So, when we left Australia sooner than we had anticipated, the decision on where to go was easy. Why Bristol? It's an old place, having received a royal charter in 1155. It's...
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Saturday, 2 December 2017

It's only been a short couple of weeks since Gjoa was hauled out to sit on the hard in Carnarvon Western Australia, but, it seems like a lifetime ago considering I'm writing this in the UK. More on that hemisphere relocation in a minute. Back in Carnarvon, there was no travelift available, so Gjoa was...
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Sunday, 12 November 2017

You'd be forgiven for thinking this is a lovely Alpine scene. However, that's not snow, it's sand! The landscape here in Western Australia is one we haven't seen before. Hot, dry (currently) and desert-like. Since we left Malaysia, back in August, we've been trying to reach the southwest corner...
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Friday, 27 October 2017

It felt like a huge relief to leave Bali and all its 'busyness'. We left the mooring field at Serangan and entered into a very strong southbound current  in the Lombok Strait. It spit us out into the Indian Ocean doing seven knots. Immediately, we felt the calming sensation of the long, undulating,...
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Monday, 23 October 2017

We finally made a much anticipated arrival in Bali. We approached from the north and spent a long time watching the island unfold in front of us. Obviously, it’s of volcanic origin and was green and beautiful, much like Hawaii.  We cruised along the north coast and then headed south. We were...
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