Saturday, 18 March 2017

We can't believe it. Our three month road trip in NZ has come to an end. Why have I put a picture of the exotic-looking Royal Spoonbill on my last NZ post? Well, NZ, for us, turned out to be all about the birds, followed by: the spectacular scenery, the many beautiful, deserted beaches, the geothermal...
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Sunday, 12 March 2017

Finally, we got a break in the miserable weather, just for one day, but, it allowed us a good day to have a look at the Franz Josef Glacier area. We drove the Haast Pass Highway, another spectacular mountain pass route which offered up beautiful vistas along with many waterfalls and other features like...
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Monday, 6 March 2017

Aoraki/Mount Cook, the tallest peak (3724m) in Australasia was another must-see. However, the weather wasn't cooperating. Day after day of low cloud and rain were the norm. We'd been skirting around the area hoping for a sunny day. Suddenly, one came up and we made a beeline for it. Us and what seemed...
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Thursday, 2 March 2017

From the deep South, Stewart Island, we headed up to Queenstown, a tourist town on steroids. We usually avoid such places, but, when we learned there was a coal-fired steamship there, the TSS Earnslaw, well, there was no question, we just had to visit! We booked on a tour which took us on a forty-five...
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