Sunday, 30 April 2017

We picked up our ex-delivery van in Brisbane, returned to Hervey Bay and checked back into the Shelley Beach Motel where we had become quite comfortably settled. We had some doubts about this van, but, everything seemed to work, even the air conditioning (thank goodness, as the temps were still around...
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Friday, 14 April 2017

After contemplating our future for a while it quickly became apparent that we did need to have some kind of a roof over our head. We didn't want to settle in one place. Another boat would have been ideal, but, nothing was catching our fancy. We decided we needed a campervan that we could live on and...
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Saturday, 8 April 2017

I know some of you have been waiting patiently for a new post. Sometimes our life moves so fast and in so many different directions, we can barely keep up with it! So, occasionally, the writing suffers. We actually arrived in Australia almost two months ago now. So much has happened since then there...
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