Saturday, 29 July 2017

We're now almost through our 'must-do before leaving' task list. There have been a few small successes. The boat has been registered and renamed. The AIS has been reprogrammed and the epirb serviced. We examined the rigging and made a few changes. One that felt good was getting rid of a boom extension...
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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

We've been on our new boat for a few weeks now. We're at Rebak Island Marina, in Langkawi, Malaysia. Langkawi is also an island just off the mainland peninsula of Malaysia (look for the red 'x' on the map below). Rebak Island is a private island of 390 acres containing a five-star resort, Vivanta...
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Thursday, 13 July 2017

It was an uneventful drive to Lakes Entrance, about four hours east of Melbourne, where we'd be leaving our van while we headed to Malaysia to take possession of our new boat. Lakes Entrance is the name of the town and that's exactly what it is, an entrance from the sea into Australia's largest series...
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Thursday, 6 July 2017

We were now heading southeast, on our way to the Melbourne area, having just left Adelaide. We'd seen a lot of coastline and there were a few highlights, but, the much-hyped 'Great Ocean Way' (you know, the famous one where they show the collapsing seastacks called the 'Twelve Apostles') was unfortunately,...
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