Thursday, 24 August 2017

This picture looks like it might be Thailand doesn't it? It's not. It's northern Langkawi, Malaysia, which is where we ended up for a week, at Telaga Harbour Marina, doing boat repairs rather than going on our planned shakedown cruise to Phuket, Thailand. But, back to the beginning. We were excited...
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Saturday, 19 August 2017

I first started programming computers, in high school, in 1968. We started with Fortran, on an IBM 1130, in math class and moved on to COBOL (common, business-oriented, programming language, I can't believe I remember that mnemonic, it's amazing the stupid things that stick in your memory) from there....
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Thursday, 10 August 2017

Thankfully, the discovery phase on Gjoa is done. The last two months here at Rebak Island Marina in Langkawi, Malaysia have passed in a blur. We still have a huge to-do list, this is a boat after all, but, we're through the 'must-do before leaving' items and ready to be on our way. It feels good! We...
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Sunday, 6 August 2017

On the road towards departure, there had to be a few "stumbles" and there were. One that almost derailed our departure plans for the end of July was our Aquadrive installation. An "Aquadrive" is a unit that joins an engine to its driveshaft. It acts sort of like a hip joint and allows movement between...
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