Friday, 27 October 2017

It felt like a huge relief to leave Bali and all its 'busyness'. We left the mooring field at Serangan and entered into a very strong southbound current  in the Lombok Strait. It spit us out into the Indian Ocean doing seven knots. Immediately, we felt the calming sensation of the long, undulating,...
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Monday, 23 October 2017

We finally made a much anticipated arrival in Bali. We approached from the north and spent a long time watching the island unfold in front of us. Obviously, it’s of volcanic origin and was green and beautiful, much like Hawaii.  We cruised along the north coast and then headed south. We were...
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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Growing up far from the sea, we didn't eat that much fish and it was always frozen. Since we've been sailing we've been eating fish a lot more often. Here in Indonesia, we've been eating it a lot. Unlike most cruisers, we don’t fish for it ourselves, but, it's available on every menu, usually grilled...
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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Every inland sea we’ve sailed on has had its own set of challenges. The Java Sea was no exception. We knew we were in the ‘wrong’ season (SE monsoon) to be travelling southeast, but, it was later in the season and the winds should be lighter. We’d been watching the weather in the area for weeks and...
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