Monday, 29 January 2018

The line between graffiti and street art has become blurred. Prior to 2011, when we saw the film Exit through the Gift Shop, at the Tromsø International Film Festival in Norway, directed by and often about the 'tagging/graffiti artist', Banksy, I hated any kind of tagging and graffiti. Run-of-the-mill...
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Sunday, 21 January 2018

We are teetotallers, so, pubs aren't that high on our radar as places to visit. However, many of them do good food as well these days, so, that's the main attraction for us along with their history and often interesting premises. So, during our recent walking tours of Bristol we came across a few that...
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Thursday, 11 January 2018

Even though they seem to have little function today it's hard not to be impressed with the overwhelming scale and grandeur of ancient churches. Bristol has many examples, some nothing more than a pile of ancient rubble, some bombed-out skeletons, some still standing proud but no longer with a congregation...
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Saturday, 6 January 2018

Since we purchased our current boat, in May 2017, the steep learning curve and maintenance issues have kept us so busy that there wasn't a lot of time for blog updating. Thus, the page on the site entitled 'THE BOAT' (on the horizontal menu bar across the top) was severely out-of-date. I've now updated...
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Friday, 5 January 2018

We've been busy exploring Bristol on foot. It's a wonderful city for walking with many footpaths along the Avon river and Floating Harbour. In some places, it reminded me of Amsterdam, or, Copenhagen. Bristol was heavily bombed and badly damaged in the Blitz of WWII. The whole of the main shopping...
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