Sunday, 29 April 2018

Unfortunately, the summer-like weather I mentioned in my last post has come and gone. It was phenomenal while it lasted though and Bristol was practically vibrating with all the frenetic activity and energy on display. We've never seen the harbour area so busy. Many new activities became available,...
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Thursday, 19 April 2018

After leaving the brutal heat and white-hot, late summer, skies of Western Australia behind we flew back into the tail end of a rather cold, wet, miserable and prolonged winter in the UK. During our brief absence, we had missed two(!) snowstorms in Bristol, dropped by the weather system known as "the...
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Monday, 2 April 2018

Fremantle, Western Australia, or, as the locals like to call it, 'Freo', is adjacent to the perhaps better-known city name of Perth. Fremantle harbour is the port for Perth and is located where the Swan River meets the Indian Ocean. It was first settled in 1829 while Perth proper, which is located much...
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