Thursday, 24 May 2018

Gloucester, like Wells, is also a cathedral city and equidistant from Bristol, so, a prime candidate for another day out. What attracted us to it is that it's also a historic port. Looking at its location on the map, you'd never think a port of any consequence was possible, particularly when access...
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Tuesday, 15 May 2018

We were inspired by the recent warm spring weather to plan a day's outing. When the chosen day arrived, however, it was cold, wet and grey. That didn't prevent our enjoying, very much, a trip to the nearby cathedral city of  Wells, Somerset. Although classed as a city, it's a small place and incredibly...
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Sunday, 6 May 2018

I've already posted a few photos of the SS Great Britain, the biggest passenger ship in the world when she was built in 1845, the first iron steamer to cross the Atlantic and currently the #1 tourist attraction here in Bristol. We hadn't yet gone aboard as we were waiting until a very special evening...
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