Thursday, 29 August 2019

Monday, August 26 26 51.6S 164 39.8W Another fairly good week, despite a couple of setbacks. During this second week of our passage from Whangarei to Papeete, we sailed 653 miles (563 made good) and passed the half way mark! Only 1,006 miles left on this 2,200 mile passage. The week wasn't without...
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Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Monday, August 19 31 50.1S 173 48.6W Violent wind, rain and lightning blew through Marsden Cove Marina the night before we left. We were heeled over while tied to the pontoon. The morning's forecast, however, looked great. One last 'minor trough' was going to pass through in the afternoon and then...
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Thursday, 22 August 2019

Finally, on August 2, after twelve+ weeks of waiting, our last new window was installed on Gjoa. Eleven of the twelve windows we'd ordered had been installed the week before, but, for some reason, we had to wait another week for the very last one. It wasn't too bad living without windows for the last...
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