Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Thursday, September 5 end of 24 day passage Whangarei NZ to Tahiti, 2500 miles sailed Papeete, Tahiti 17 32.3S 149 34.3W After three weeks at sea on this passage from Whangarei NZ to Tahiti we only had 325 miles left to go. So far, we had been successful at trying to sail the direct, NE, route...
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Sunday, 1 September 2019

Monday, September 2 20 42.3S 154 13.5W A short post as there is no drama to report this week! Nothing broke (that wasn't already broken) and the weather wasn't savage. It's been good, we sailed 759 miles, 681 made good. We're only 325 miles out of Papeete, Tahiti now and hope to be in port within...
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