Sunday, 27 October 2019

Our favourite island so far has been Huahine. It's one of the leeward islands, Iles sous le Vent, about ninety miles west from Tahiti/Moorea. The distance meant an overnight passage which was uneventful, the best kind. We wanted to arrive at dawn to ensure a daylight entry through the pass. Our approach...
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Friday, 18 October 2019

We left Tahiti after anchoring the last night in the anchorage area south of Papeete, near Marina Taina where we had to go to top up our diesel fuel. It's about five miles south of the city and takes some effort to get to. It's a well-marked channel through the lagoon, but, any movement in Papeete...
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Friday, 18 October 2019

Our four week stay in Papeete, Tahiti was coming to a close and I can't say we weren't glad of it. As mentioned in the last post the marina facilities were being torn down. Unfortunately, we were berthed very close to the construction site. Jackhammers, tile saws, cranes and earth moving equipment,...
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Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Our elation at a Tahiti landfall soon turned to disappointment. Things just didn't seem to be going our way. It all started with the entry clearance which took five days and first, a long walk to the Customs office, followed by four trips by bus to Immigration at the airport to find out that 'yes, non-EU...
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