Wednesday, 17 September 2014

It was very calm here in Cambridge Bay overnight with the exception of a few strange noises against the hull. We awoke to find that the whole Bay had flash-frozen in the night and was completely covered in ice! Frozen solid One local told us this was the earliest he’d seen it in his fourteen years...
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Monday, 8 September 2014

It has just come to our attention that our tow has been written up on the Canadian Geographic blog, complete with photo slideshow. Interesting to note that there was a second polar bear on the prowl, we only saw one! Gjoa in the ice at west...
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Monday, 8 September 2014

Finally have internet access again. Here are a few pictures to go with recent postings: Lancaster Sound Ice Field G. at helm in Lancaster Sound ice A beauty at entrance to Graham Harbour Graham Harbour - water is actually glacial aquamarine blue Devon Island Port Leopold desolation...
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Friday, 5 September 2014

Thursday, September 4 We have arrived at our winter destination! After a final night at sea again fighting headwinds we were greatly relieved to pull into Cambridge Bay where we plan to overwinter. Cambridge Bay is in the high Arctic, on the south shore of Victoria Island, directly north of Saskatchewan....
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Friday, 5 September 2014

Monday, September 1 Heading south from Bellot Strait there are two potential routes to Cambridge Bay. Both go through Franklin Strait and Larsen Sound. Then, depending on ice conditions the choice is either through Victoria Strait, or, around the east side of King William Island. The King William Island...
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